fredag 13 januari 2012

Min första egen Java app!

13 januari 2012

Jippi! Jag har lyckas skriva en egen fungerande Java app! Här är koden:

/* This is another scale program.
* This time I aim to convert from fot to cm.
* To keep things simple, one foot equels thirty cm
* So the value of 1 foot should = 30 cm or 1 = 30
* Author: Leopold H. Birkholm
* Date: January 13:th 2012
* Homepage:
* Support java app:

public class FootToCM{

public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("\nHello and welcome to the program Foot to CM\n");
System.out.print("Please, enter value of foot here: \t ");
int tal1 = Keyboard.readInt();
int tal2 = tal1*30;
System.out.println("\nThe value is in cm:\t" + tal2);
System.out.println("\nNo more function is present.\n\nThank you and have a pleasent day.\n");
Så här ser det ut när man kör programmet:

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